The first Kriya Yogi in America
It seems that every single disciple of Yogananda has his or her own precious message and gift to share with all of us. Each of them is a torchbearer for a specific aspect of the Master’s teachings. And certainly Yogananda loves them all equally.
What, then, was Dr. Lewis’ role? He (Minott White Lewis, 26 March 1893 – 13 April 1960) is usually known as “the first Kriya Yogi in America,” as we read in the Autobiography of a Yogi. He is also remembered for his strong support for Yogananda when he first arrived in the West in 1920. Dr. Lewis opened the doors of his Boston home to him when Yogananda knew nobody and nobody knew Yogananda. Later the Master said gratefully: “Those who have been our friends in need we remember always. I have never forgotten those early days.”
But still, Dr. Lewis and his wife Mildred (16 September 1897 – 30 March 1988) seem to have perceived their contribution in a somewhat different light: they were an example of how to become successful householder yogis. Together they affirmed to the world: yes, you can be married and advance very highly, finding God.

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